Pearson Edexcel GCSE Geography A: New to Edexcel
This pre-recorded training is to support the planning and delivery of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Geography specification A qualification.
We are continuously reviewing our assessments to ensure they are accessible to all candidates. As a result of analysis of how questions have performed and feedback from teachers, we have decided to no longer use the command phrase 'Explain/Suggest one' for 4 marks across Specification A and B. We’ve also reviewed where the SPaG marks sit in our question papers to improve the accessibility of these marks. For candidates sitting Specification A the SPaG marks will be moved to the final 8-mark extended response question in Section B of Papers 1 and 2. The SPaG marks in Paper 3 will remain on the 12-mark ‘Discuss’ question item at the end of Question 5.