Please find below recordings of live training events run by Pearson recently.
For UK qualifications, please refer to the subject and level covered in each session. For International qualifications, there is one session only.

How to arrive at grades
Suitable for UK / International customers
Recording of a live session with our Head of Assessment, giving guidance on the process of determining grades.

Centre Policy overview
Suitable for UK / International customers
Recording of a live session with our Head of Assessment, giving guidance on the centre policy process this summer.

Assessment support
Suitable for UK / International customers
Recording of a live session with our Head of Content, giving guidance on how you can use additional assessment materials.

UK subject-specific updates
In these training sessions, we:
- summarise the key outcomes from the Summer 2021 consultations
- outline the approach for deciding TAGs
- confirm the timelines and processes for TAG submission
- share the available support for Summer 2021 assessment

International qualifications updates
In this training session, we go through the processes and guidance that centres taking International qualifications need to be aware of for May/June 2021.
This includes up-to-date information and guidance on:
- Grading
- Quality Assurance
- Appeals
- Further support available for centres
Please note: This session focuses on the series as a whole and the International GCSE and A Level suites. We do not look in-depth at arrangements for particular subjects.